

Sunday, July 19, 2015

Day 17: Relaxing in Fernandina

Route: House to the Beach
Mileage: 0

Not much to say today, and no need to write too much.  We were able to sleep in, so that was lovely, although I woke up early anyways.  Keegan was able to sleep a bit longer and I went and ate cherries on the porch.  We then went and walked on the beach for a bit but Keegan needed to work today so it was only a quick stroll.  I made our first personally cooked meal for the first time in weeks.  The pan was pretty horrible so the eggs came out funky, but it still tasted good!  And Keegan was pleased to start ramping his bacon intake back up.
Keegan got distracted and this happened

We haven't cooked in a long time
It was possible that FOX Jacksonville wanted to interview us in the afternoon, but it didn't end up happening.  So Keegan was able to keep working and I wrote our epic blog post from yesterday. And ate ice cream.  I then made lunch and we planned to work until late afternoon and then go play mini golf.  

Celebrating National Ice Cream Day!

Time got away and by the time we were ready to go, a giant thunderstorm was rolling in.  So we decided against mini golf and instead went for another nice stroll on the beach.  I was determined to find shark teeth.  We wandered through shell beds to no avail, but finally, we found the jackpot!  I found 5 teeth in about 5 min.  But then the lightning picked up and the thunder was much louder, so we knew we needed to head back.  I could hear my grandmother herding me in.

How Keegan relaxes. 

I taught him how to hunt for shark teeth.  He was pretty apathetic about it at first, but then after I found a couple he got a little more energized after he knew what he was looking for. I know he'll find one!

Our little home for the 2 days

One tooth I forgot in my pocket!

Then we got back and I watched a movie, The Incredibles, while it rained and then went and hung out on the roof deck after it stopped.  When Keegan was done he met me up on the deck and we saw some weird drone fly over us.

Tiny spec in the middle with lights was a little triangular drone of some sort
We then went back down and Keegan made us a delicious dinner while I folded laundry.  It's funny, I wasn't terribly hungry, having not biked 100 miles.

And now with my belly full, I am going to bed in hopes to get up early and watch the sunrise and get to those low-tide-exposed shell beds for some good shark tooth hunting!

And I'll continue to leave this donation site here...just for good measure...we got some more generous donations today so we are almost to 5-digits!  Keep pushing to that $14,000 mark!

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